Episode the Fifty-Eighth: We finally review the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and The Bloody Mary Show

That’s right, we finally get on board the Lizzie train. In a way I think I was putting it off because I’m nothing, if not a hipster who hates anything popular.

Okay, I’m not really a hipster, and I don’t automatically hate something if it’s popular, but I do feel like a big part of what we do is to help people find new, good and hard-to-find webseries to watch. And let’s be realistic, EVERY-ONE, has heard of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. But we did it, and we have no regrets!

We begin, however, with a confusing conversation that means nothing to you, dear listener, about our episode numbering system. But if you do pay attention, you will hear us ask you to help us name our series on making webseries. So far we’ve covered Visual Effects, Writing and Music Composing. Find us a name for this series.

And on to the shows. We begin with a conversation about Kickstarter, since the creators of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries have raised over $400,000 to do something. Which it turns out is another Austen adaptation of the unfinished novel Sanditon. We are looking forward to a new experiment in storytelling across a number of networks. Maybe this new show will also include Instagram and Pinterest…

The next show we covered we found via our other new favourite experiment in storytelling, Super Mashed Up. As mentioned previously, Super Mashed Up is by the creators of Super Geeked Up and Clutch The Series and brings 7 different webseries worlds in clashing chaos together. The Bloody Mary Show was mashed up with Clutch in this episode

The Bloody Mary Show is a strange little story of a number of paranormal beings, sans vampire, werewolf, or zombies, who hang out at their local and live out their sordid lives while the rest of the bunch meddle in their shit. Enjoy!