Tonight’s episode brought to you by Wellington Brewery.

Let’s start a drive to make this a regular thing. A beer an episode for Nick and Soch would make for a happy recording.
And on to the show! Announcements right up front, Nick is leaving the city, the province, the country for an entire month and Limited Release will have co-hosts for the next two episodes. (And I’m realizing how very behind I am on putting up these posts!)
First up is a show recommended to Nick by a co-worker, Nirvana, the Band, the Show an older hit from 2009 about a couple of friends who have a progressive? performance art? based two man show.
This is yet another show that divides Nick and Candice. Both can agree on the production of the show, great sound, good style, dangerous music choices. However when it came to the content we really get both sides of the table.
Next we’ve got sort of the same show, but with women! Harder Than It Looks is a buddy comedy about two roomates who couldn’t find success if it was handed to them gift wrapped.
This show, while funny, and well-acted, completely wowed us both based on the work of their Director of Photography. Listen closely and we will tell you exactly which scenes to watch to see the magic happen
I declare this show Easier Than It Looks to watch. (joke by Candice, Nick needs not be harassed for a terrible example of comedy)